More Kallemann photos


Kallemann at the age of 6 months Me at the age of 6 months

In Spain at the age of 6 months

Kallemann at the age of 6 months in Spain
I already accompanied my mistress Two months later, I already accompanied my mistress

Me at the age of 8 months

at the age of 8 months

Kallemann and plush dog

I love playing with plush animals.
But this one belongs to my mistress.

This plush bird I really like a lot

Kallemann and plush bird
on holiday in France Here I was on holiday in France

Sometimes I cannot stand being photographed any more

Sometimes I cannot stand being photographed any more
Ain't I cute? Ain't I cute?

Here I dared showing my tonue
at my mistress

Kallemann dared showing his tonue
Kallemann and the big tire Such a big tire for so small a dog !

At the agility training

at the agility training

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